Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Isn’t priest one shot bullet proof?

because I felt like it…

I won’t do it again

I would do it again :wink:


so i won’t then

PKR, tell me at any time if your night immunity is chipped.

Dont u think its a tad bit sus that Insanity wants thread to be locked? Or are you allied with him :thinking:

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even tho if NK is reaper.

I’m useless

Is that my intention?

Hell no.


FoL doesnt have reaper yet I think

I’m just gonna hope NK isn’t reaper

nope. a new reaper

It does now.

It does actually.

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This game is being played with all of the changes in effect. Look at the class card thread


takes out shotgun


It was added before this started

I intentionally wait till all the changes are done to host


shoots Alfa

you’ll have 5000 angry children trying to shoot you