Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Oh look what I found.

you uh
gonna elaborate on what you found?

his new pfp is pretty good


Must i remind you guys hippo is unable to talk atm (to those who said hes not talking)

Went to shopping for like 5 - 6 hours.

/vote Boss110

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Why are you defending hippo

I never called anyone a whore please don’t spread meanie rumours.

Also I’m Maid so frost is probably scum lawl.

Pug and Marl are same. I also have a royal blood positive on someone but I won’t say unless I have to.

Anyway the tech lynch is still silly as it is optimal to allow price to exe him. People keep being attracted to voting him.

I’m fairly sure frost has just copied marls strat of claiming Maid early so I’m going to go ahead and

/vote Frostwolf

Im not im reminding the others about the soft ban why would i bother defending after i gave up

Also wb hippo

I’m just gonna say it cuz everyone’s thinking it. Is it just a coincidence I leave and come back at easter? Now, I’m not saying I am definately Jesus reborn, but it’s certainly a possibility. :egg:


Are you baiting on me? Stawp

well my read on pug was wrong then

Why the shit did he claim with no provocation at the start of d2?
it’s like pug wants to be converted or something

About that, I got that too.

I didn’t meant to post my claim with the claim list so that was total accident.

Seemed a pretty clinical accident to me.

I’m happy with another lynch as 2 maids is of course possible but I’d be surprised if Frost doesn’t flip cl.