Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

You would be surprised I flip Maid at all.

Someone posted a truly awful reads list so we could push them aswell. Can’t remember who.

All I’m certain of is the tech vote is just bad.

However, you have one problem.

Pug : Physician
Marl : BD
Techwolves : Fool/Neutral (Or Acolyte?)
Methnor :
Frostwolf : Maid
Insanity :
PKR : Priest
Wolfy : {KING}
Dama :
Celeste : Alchemist/Neutral
Hippo : Maid
Mole : BD? NEUT?
Sam :
Noz : BD? NEUT?
Boss :
Night : Physician


You are either terrible liar Hippo or one of Physician claims is fake. Let’s say in this doubt that Marl is actually power class from my list.

It was boss

if you’re talking about these

Totally Acolyte, I stand correct. Like if it’s not him then there’s still other people from the list that is suspected as Acolyte I mentioned earlier.

The maid claims have nothing to do with the phys claims frost for the last time.

I said fake, nothing to do with second non-unique

I am talking about claim space.

It’s pretty much you or boss that’s going to hang today so

@Moleland @Ami btw if one of you are non-nk neuts, just speak up and we’ll pretty much instantly hang frost

Besides, as you can see from Noz and Mole, these are the people I matchmaked as compatible and there’s small chance of both of them as Neuts.

If this is correct, then I have gamesolved the game

i dont see any gamesolving at all
i see a generic claims list

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Claiming a day 2 gamesolve when there were no deaths is ambitious, even for you, Frost.

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Pug : Physician
Marl : BD
Techwolves : Acolyte
Methnor :
Frostwolf : Maid
Insanity :
PKR : Priest
Wolfy : {KING}
Dama :
Celeste : Alchemist/Neutral
Hippo : Maid
Mole : BD? NEUT?
Sam : Royal (PRINCE/NOB)
Noz : BD? NEUT?
Boss :
Night : Physician

CL/MM - SH/PT - Prince - NOB - NK - NEUT

Four open claims and I see six that is not known to us yet, I put Noz and Mole as Neut and NK, you see four will put in place.

And no that’s not accurate.

Hippo and I claimed to have positive royal blood result.

But there’s no denying that if I put Noz and Mole as BD, then two players have lied.

It would have fit, if it wasn’t for Hippo claiming Maid.

You are actually the worst

Urgh I did it again.