Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

anyway, at least we got someone putting sus on Hippo out of the way

I’ll say Hippo is BD for now

Hmm? I was just asking what we think the chances are of you being scum are.
You tell me

Oh shit that does look like I’m claiming knight tbf. Not fucking phys tho. And no I meant in the day.

Ah ok, for one I am not joining the mass claim train D1 and D2, and I will keep it that way for now. We got lot of claims already

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I sort of want to hear what everyone thinks of me.

I’m sure I’m sus af to many already looking like a Fool but I still want to hear everything

Which put me in risk of getting attacked tonight.

I don’t think I asked for a claim

The next person who mentions “healer claim??” in an annoying scummy way even tho marl showed it was bs is getting day-viged.

I didn’t answer about the sake of the claim.

Tell me about why you’re not scum

Hippo, why must you be so mean to me.

I thought we were cool

Noz said he wanted to commit suicide but can’t. He is anything but knight. Whatever he is he better hope he is not BD as he will be banned for a bit for gamethrowing if he is.

Pretty sure he’s just mad from getting off of his shift and being accused of inactivity
that and words getting put in his mouth to make him look sus
I would be too honestly

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Listen, Hippo.

I’m an idiot and I will happily be dayvigged.

At least if I do get dayvigged I can confirm myself as a dead phys so yeah

alright Hippo, good point

I don’t know if NightX’s healer claim is legit but there’s more for my reason to vote him just of his lie about Hippolytus.

marl invented the D2 mass claim tho

Why are you so LAMIST? It’s just confusing
You had no reason to claim other than ‘I felt like it’

But this creation has gotten out of hand
it must be put down