Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

I just don’t think before I speak okay

This is how so much misinformation gets spread lmao.

What this means, I can’t answer that without Alfa’s wrath on me.

You’re dodging my question
I’m not asking about your vote on NightX
I’m asking why I shouldn’t think you are scum

I didn’t dodge your question, aaaaaarghh

just to clarify,what does LAMIST mean?

“Look at me, I’m so town!”


alright, thanks

I claim observer again.


Essentially posts that serve no purpose other than to make you look like you’re not scum

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I’ll stop speaking now considering what you’ve said

every message just makes me look more like fool

I just don’t think too much before I speak so there’s your explanation

And I am not confirmed town yet although the vote on Nightx is the reason I want to clear out something.

Which is my only hint I am going to give away.

For this day.

time to hopefully go to sleep

You are not going to miss lot of action based on the current activity.


agreed, funny how I’m running out of likes for today

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/vote NightX

@Vulgard Could we get a VC

Vote count:

PokemonKidRyan - 2 votes - Moleland, NozBugz
Hippolytus - 1 vote - Sam17z
NightX - 5 votes - Hippolytus, Marluxion, Frostwolf103, Pug, Boss110

The votes are sorted in the order they were cast, from left to right.

Majority is 9.


…is this the game where techwolves claim Prince, or is that SFOL