Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

I hate my notebook.

You’ve just outed a high priority to protect bd
or the highest priority to protect bd
literally why

Hippo accused me and stays quiet, now I wonder what happened to him.

…Who’s to say you didn’t just convert sam and that’s how you know he has royal blood?

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probably working or eating or performing human functions

Again why would I out Tech out of this?

You didn’t lead the push on tech
I did

No you didn’t, you didn’t spot the hidden vote.

That’s not even that relevant
We knew he was scum from his paladin fake claim that I pushed out of him

Tech was already sus at that point.

Because he forgot paladin was unique, lmao

Oh yeah sure, you voted Insanity when this hidden vote happens. Great way to take credit.

Just putting this out there
If I were the cult leader, I would bus the shit out of tech after that paladin claim
so you catching his mistake means little to nothing

But you didn’t know WHAT kind of scum he is. Thanks to me, we found out which.

I’m still willing to hang you over boss now because you ‘accidentally’ outed the prince/noble.
/Vote Frostwolf103

the last time frost converted sam, it lead to a d4 bd (well, i suppose unseen technically) victory
would frost really convert sam n1 again? :thinking:

I don’t think it’s Frost, personally.

I still think it’s PKR if we’re going purely by reactions
But I can do something about him tonight, and nobody seems willing to hang him just because he claimed priest

I don’t want to hang him because he’s easily provable.

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if he gets redirected though with the revive.

We know what to do


I am so sorry for this idiotic angleshoot