Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

Claiming royal would of got him of the hook though

So yeah I take there was no attention grabbing Whammerist on D1, so his claim screams scum.

are you completely dull
why would I want to grab attention as physician
if I bait and then am attacked I just out myself

You stop someone else from dying

Exactly, but since you are not baiting…

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because outting yourself as healer is a really good plan
thanks guys, you’re all very helpful and very good players

I can always guard you or any other protective can protect you too

I forgot you were king lion!

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Wait for it…

He’s the Lion King.

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or, get this
I don’t get outted d2

Or don’t waste a heal on yourself if you don’t want to out yourself :thinking:

not to mention everyone and their grandma thought I was druid until real druid crossed off that possibility
so if I had baited everyone would’ve just assumed I was NK

that is literally not how you ever claim phys you absolute rock for a brain

heyyyy guys physician here I’ll be selfcaring the next 2 nights so I’m a useless healer and also will need everyone’s support after I get converted

Not baiting and self-healing N1 is not how you play Phy.

Plus that doesn’t confirm you are Physician even with the innoculate ability.

You are just trying to buying time not to execute you right here.

What is better:

Execute the possible Druid or get Mark of Judgement player?

Choose wisely.

So then why did you self care

where as, I can self-care N1 where it’s incredibly unlikely I’ll get a successful heal anyways, and I have NO person I need to be protected

if you do not self-care as phys n1 what are you doing instead
it’s the night you’re least likely to save anyone, and you don’t even know who’s worth protecting anyways

think I’m scum or not I don’t fucking care, nuc can have the win
but holy fuck do none of you know how to use abilities