Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

Because meme claimed not BD which gives us the right to jail and exe and worry about converts

Or not jail and exe

That too

We aren’t exeing Meme tonight.

Just wait for M to come on. No point talking theorotically. Bye.

Bye :wave:

Insanity is confirmed the day before.

Do we know what the court wizards have barriered? I kinda forgot.

They barriered the nobles

Uh no, it didn’t do that on me.

We don’t know who Mole did.

I’d quite like a debt on FK.

This would be nice

Pug occupies me, but no court wizard was on me.

Maybe they just hoped that they would try to convert someone else?

Bounty mole tonight


I’m not too bothered by the N3 convert, Im confident it is Pug or Mole. The N1 convert is scarier - it can be any one of the “confirmed” ppl (apart from me cuz I linked M last night and cult cant do that :fu:)

Debt is actually astoundingly broken. It confirms BD king which should never happen and completely and utterly screw over Cult if used correctly.

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At least make it 1 or 2 uses.

Or make it seemed it work when it didn’t,

Yeah, give evil King some clever version of Debt which only prevents BD negative actions, but doesnt stop Converts.