Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!


What about framing the target too?


Yeah that’d be great too.

tbf even with debt I think this game is gonna be a close one. There are too many posibilites to neatly wrap up.

A combination of 4 support classes and 3 social classes means we have 0 BD killers other than Prince which really sucks against Cult. If we had Hunter they could start bleeding people left right and centre around about now.

Hunter would be so fun to play as

@MtheJoker results

Oof 400 messages anything happen

We need results sir

Unable to test faith

Also is Insanity really squire, and I kinda wanna know why he didnt just claim Squire instead of that weird Princess claim. @Insanity

Who did u check?


They checked Dama prob which is sad right now

Don’t ask :frowning:

Kinda forgot some1 already claimed

did you check boss?

Did you check boss :thinking:

We both did it

Nah I’m not that stupid

Good to know
