Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

Whoever we put up today we should make the king decide fate execute.

Nah, I’m p sure htm is BD.

If he isn’t than holy shit good job dude

Okay whatever you say :slight_smile:

I’m trusting you to lead us mystical being

Anyone claimed last 400 posts?

Hippo has.

What rxactly

Vote on the poll btw

Hey Paladin.

Did I vote Pug yet? Well…

/vote Pug

/Vote pug

Pug did occupy me, but is one of the people that can get converted, so am I.

Bounty mole remember that

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Wait weren’t you barriered?

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King was suppose to debt him.

@Htm is going to debt me tonight so I don’t get converted

Your phys right?

I don’t know why don’t you ask hippo :slight_smile:


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Ok cool.

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Wait M claimed paladin? Damn.

I didn’t know that rip

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