Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

I’m tired.

Catch me up l




Fate Voters Count
Execute Shurian, Celeste, MTheJoker, Frostwolf, TheItalian, PoisonedSquid, Moleland 7/8
Pardon Marcus 1/8

It’s so tempting to hammer.

Honestly I’ve at the point where I just let Insanity win a fool game >_>

You forum vets you…

Meme not being in this game is suddenly a blessing


It is up to your choice whether or not you want to lose a valuable class or not.

Why does someone get notified if they are occupy immune.

Not cool :angry:

You either:

Let me live so I can contribute more to the game.

or lynch me now as an informational lynch.

Why is your tone so Fool

You haven’t even admitted to being occ immune yet, ignoring it on purpose

I DIDN’T get occupied.

Are we having a 2nd Psycho situation here gentlemen

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Yeah Insanity screams fool to me right now. But I seriously just want the day to be over its exhausting.

I dunno why should I not trust Marcus here.

Pardon me, then.


Fate Voters Count
Execute Celeste, MTheJoker, Frostwolf, TheItalian, PoisonedSquid, Moleland 6/8
Pardon Marcus 1/8

Inb4 Marcus is Scorned

And psycho made a genius play

I could’ve easily hammered with the knowledge I have, and I think insanity expects me to do this. So he’s really trying to scream fool here. What else do you do when you’re so close to winning?

Remember what I said about my preferred Prince exe being Insanity over Psycho?

I mean at least psycho admited their sins.