Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

btw everyone wagon this without thinking about it


It’s funny because pug tried this when I was scorned with a butler as a target and your trying it but backwards.

What did you think FK was claiming that you put him as K/O? I still had him as butler or mercenary

I was claiming reaper don’t worry about it.

Then butler seemed better

Okay you’ve convinced me

/vote FK /s

(Sam counts that as a vote)

Id be tempted to leave it there to let scum wagon

/vote psy

Shurian! :smiley:

shurian I see you there dont vote me pls

Heres a little something.

Bleeding from start of day.
Someone then is very, very sus.

Wait can scorned get a priest as a target just wondering

@Margaret your target needs healing so you gotta rebond tonight

@Frostwolf103 guard sheriff

Celeste can Rebound

And tech can heal shurian

Vote psy.

Lowkey we’re gonna angle shoot that alright?

Oh yes, dont forget to bind Ashe

@Frostwolf103 guard someone other than Shurian and Ashe

Anyhow anyone who’s been on during that time is sus.

And I may have something up in my head. Will come in accordingly. After I finish housework

Hm nice plan

Uhm guys

Could u uhhh not talk about me liek ever?

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