Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

sorri wont hapen again

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I told Italian to be on him.

Marcus had clear objective to HH Simon, so apparently letting Psycho live was a mistake.

Assassin used 2-for-1 thing

It was Moleland and Italian after all.

Shurian would be informed of the merc guarding her.

@TechWolves You are idiot for healing FK because bleeding is a distraction.

Thereā€™s obviously no Warlock whatsoever

The king doesnā€™t count for that matter, I went on TechWolves and for your info, I debted Firekitten.

Basically they wanted to kill Boss110 as intended so that confirms him as BD.

We caught a demon, so we avoided bigger catastrophe

Not so hasty, if moleland is the Mastermind then whoā€™s the Assassin?

There is none

Then whoā€™s the convert? Certainly not Firekitten.

@Marcus_Doodalee Why not HH Moleland instead? Oh actually

/Vote Pyscho He have likely used the day ability that no protection or preventation will stop it. So my guard wouldnā€™t have worked since it affected anyone.

Easy enough.

You already used Carnage, hush.

I told you since yesterday to bind soul Ashe.

/Vote Psycho (In case it got lost in sea of words)

I HHed Simon because our guess at the scumteam was Simon/Boss/Moleland or Italian
Now it seems like your second guess is the most likely given what info they have both given

Iā€™d like to note that today seems like a very good time for the MM to out the assassin to get a new convert assuming they have 3 members, as the day will end without much discussion and the MM would be somewhat confirmed as not being scum and be able to get another convert off.

The fact that Moleland and TheItalian have chosen not to create conflict between each otherā€™s alibis leads me to believe that there might not be a convert at all.

It makes sense that they werenā€™t able to convert even if a warlock was in play- Boss mentioned that he got a sucessful barrier on Litten, which means scum couldve targeted him for conversion.

Regarding Simon, this is a wee bit of an angle shoot, but I think heā€™s forcibly been unable to be here for a significant period of time due to life circumstances and thus has unable been to fulfil is role either as a BD
or a convert.

I would like to see them attack Ashe now.

My thoughts will be in a moment.

I read my bleeding message. Start of day. More stuff coming inā€¦ (I know Iā€™m repeating stuff butā€¦)

Wait u bleeding?

Yep. Bleeding is very fun per se

But but Shuri

That would mean its a cult game

They changed assassinā€™s poison to bleeding my dear Merc>_>

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O ye forgot ha ha ha kill me now


Okay. I was not converted. And they knew there was a physician.

I shall release my scum feels. If Iā€™m confident enough to say it, usually it means its pretty confirmed

MOLELAND: Hey. People my dears. Observer who went to follow Italian twice. Hmm? Was first time again? Simon didnā€™t visit anyone? Ashe left room n1. Sus to me alright.

THEITALIAN: Bullshit. You would have guarded your bloody prince if you are BD, You are Enforcer/Assassin. No doubt.

Since Sheriff is backā€¦ I dare you to convert me. I can guarantee Warlock will use Carnage the next day.

Simon will NOT be our vote for the next two days.

@Shurian I think that Psycho is hammered, but feel free to vote if you wish.

Its good that youā€™ve come to the same conclusion I have; Mole and Italian are trying to confirm each other. Itā€™s specifically because theyā€™ve done it twice that leads me to believe that TheItalian is the Assassin.

They had a night 1 convert. Haha.
If Ashe dies tonight Iā€™m the convert. Nothing else. Unless Warlock uses carnage.

Commit Seppuku? Thatā€™s not my style.
/vote psycho

I can guarantee this is a scorned, but since you guys are voting up this guy for absolutely no reason other than (he canā€™t prove himself as BD-aligned) soā€¦

But you went to say this.

You will betray us in the end wont cha? Unseen will look to control you by NOT converting firekitten. They wonā€™t just magically use firekitten as a magical bait.

How was FKs immunity bypassed if no warlock?

There must be a warlock. I donā€™t see a need for warlock to use carnage yet. They will use it at the start of Day 4. I can guarantee that.

If Psycho flips warlock I am guaranteed to die tonight. @Margaret is to give a contract to Ashe if that happens.

If Psycho flips Scorned we can confirm both boss and firekitten.

You seem to be assuming they have an enforcer. Why wouldnā€™t they go for Ashe tonight?