Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

:thinking: you obs?

Answer the question.

Man, I donā€™t even know whether I should even be pressing this.

No u, answer mine, are you obs who used little bird?

Iā€™m not going to say what I am until I need to, so I ask again, did you leave your room last night?

No. I may or may not have forgotten to do that :roll_eyes:

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Good, no I am not obs who used little bird on you.

Okay. May I ask why you asked that?

I just wanted infomation, thatā€™s all, a little bit goes a long way in this game.

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that was wrong!
didnā€™t the new update make it so you got message "prevent from use ā€˜xā€™ on target? :thinking:

not going to work this time

sheep :sheep:

Bossy Boss! Didcha leave your room last night?

Observer? but yeah i did

Thatā€™s a good question

Does Debt cause a prevention message? I wasnā€™t jailed.

Me not Observer me only am por noot noot. /s

Iā€™m actually just a por mega fool so herp derp /s

Ok Iā€™m stupid high rn someone punch me or something pls.

Observer(s) on me tonight. Trust me youā€™ll find something great.

this is what i found and maybe tech slip agin?

What if Tech is MM/CL, tried to convert me, but I was debted? :thinking:

Considering the player list I might be a decent conversion target

I doubt it.

K boss slip now plz

he said prevent from ā€˜visitingā€™ but the result he should have got is ā€˜unable to use x on targetā€™

Yes I know that