Forum of Lies 16 - (16/16) Rerolling

Welcome to Forum of Lies 16!

Hosted by Eevee
Co-Hosted by Luxy and Marcus_Doodalee



Days will be 3 IRL days long, or shorter if someone dies
Nights will be 1 IRL days long
Actions are done by messaging eevee/Luxy/Marcus
Unseen/Cult will talk through a special Forum Thread
Priest will speak with the dead through a separate Forum Thread
All classes will be used, and will be used as they are found in the Class Cards Thread
When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it


To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]”
Once majority is reached to accuse someone, a trial will begin.
Either after 24 hours or once a trial reaches majority on pardon/execute, the trial will end.
After the trial ends, the King has 12 hours to choose to allow or veto the vote, if the king does not respond the vote is allowed
Executions end the Day


Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want


  1. overthebin :crown: - Alive
  2. Firekitten - Alive
  3. Sarun Alice - Alive
  4. Marluxion - Alive
  5. Sam17z - Alive
  6. PoisonedSquid - Alive
  7. Celeste - Alive
  8. NozBugz - Alive
  9. Solic - Alive
  10. Insanity - Alive
  11. Frostwolf - Alive
  12. Livicus - Alive
  13. Wolfy - Alive
  14. Moleland - Alive
  15. Htm - Alive
  16. Memesky bazingaboy - Alive


  1. Boss110
  2. Sketch
  3. MaximusPrime
  4. Techwolves


Start of Day One
All Hail King Overthebin!
Start of Night One


oh fu- wait I’m co-hosting



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The king slot will be moved according to rolls


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Gib kang or rito.

Believe me, king is boring AF

Not really, you can be the leader and scumhunt :thinking:

Give me king also or riot

What’s boring about getting into TvTfests with everyone?


Ok bedtime for me, lets hope Marl gets on to allow Marcus and eevee to edit the OP



I don’t think you can allow that, it’s everyone or one person.

:looks at responsibilities list:

Actualy, I would have nothing against you playing. It’s not like you need to know who is who for your jobs here. :thinking:

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Huh, he’s right actually.

~~ @Ashe @Icibalus @Mathblade @Solic should totally join :thinking:~~

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Yo Marl, can you give me and Eevee permission to edit the OP? Cheers