Forum of Lies 16 - (16/16) Rerolling

Frost is ez scum bois :clap:

Why do you think he is reacfion testing you? As well

Why do you feel the urge to mention this? Apparently you want to make yourself appear scummy but then you say this which defeats the purpose. As well, purposely making yourself scummy each game wonā€™t bait scum will bait Town.

Thatā€™s not backtracking, Solic. I never ACCUSED or POCKETED Marl.

I canā€™t help it.

Wdym by that, is there like this urge you must act scummy?

Can you just give me a definition of what you think pocketing is?

Tell me this isnā€™t pocketing [quote=ā€œFrostwolf103, post:284, topic:72338, full:trueā€]
So is it just me or is Marl being town here?

Fucking :salt:

Pocketing refers to when a mafia-aligned player buddies up to a town-aligned player in the hopes that this will make said player view the mafia-aligned player favorably. Usually the mafia-aligned player will defend the town player in order to ā€œpocketā€ them.

Please find where I defended Marl

What about now huh

This is white knighting. Not pocketing.

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So calling someone Town isnā€™t defending them?

This is pocketing though and I explicitly quoted it for you to see.

Oh thatā€™s right, I never defended Marl in the first place.

I copied straight out of Wiki and took time to process what it means.

The donā€™t blame me, blame X excuse

beep boop

So you admit that you didnā€™t know what it means prior. That is interesting. Not saying that that particular aspect of this argument is scum indicative though.

so this is what it feels like to be surrounded by people arguing about you but not actually talking to you, huh


@bd vote Frost the ez scum

Iā€™ve decided that i will communicate this game exclusively through pings and emoji

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