Forum of Lies 16 - (16/16) Rerolling

I told Luxy and i’ll repeat it again
That’s not how it works
I can make it a wiki so ANYONE can edit it
or only Luxy can

Sorry Dad

Or just transfer ownership to eevee, or make it a WIKI and punish anyone editing it.

Oh my god


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quit making up forum functions that don’t exist
you can’t transfer ownership of a post

and i literally just proposed making it a wiki

So the laser beams that make you type something you didn’t don’t exist?

Eh, I got the first post under OP so I could probably just use that as a link to important events.

It’s fine, Luxy and only Luxy got OP as own task cause I knew it works like that.






/join I suppose.


Time to see if our changes fixed the game or broke it even more

Oohhhh it’s all new and confusing again. :eyes: I thrive in chaos. (hopefully)

Should I join :thinking:

Yeah, /join.

all i can say is
@luxy @marcus_doodalee before giving any results confirm them with your other co-hosts as well

you have 3 hosts, put em to good use to make sure no errors occur


Yeah, they should confirm.

I don’t have to :^)


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