Forum of Lies 16 - (16/16) Rerolling

do…do you not know what a tinfoil is?

a theory that likely isn’t true
Something like that

The point is that you came up with that theory for a reason what was that reason.

what made you so sure about Solic being correct on Frost?

what if I told you i got a non-compat check on Frost and FK

Oh my!

inb4 people ignore me like in NFoL1

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I would say maid is still broken


if you want me to RB check anybody I gladly will

We should change Maid’s Matchmake to regular chain parity cop

I’ve been saying that for like 4 months ayy lmao


high five

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To the side!

down low

Too slow

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but in all seriousness this changes a lot

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Firekitten is trembling!

Damn, that’s some good ass plays right there

/Vote Frost

I’m not a royal, so that isn’t a reason why frost was incompatible with me, judging from the fact that this train went a little fast I would think frost is more likely to be neutral IMO.

@Kirefitten do you have Royal blood?