Forum of Lies 16 - (16/16) Rerolling

I don’t need to change your mind

It is, FK is being a VI here as neuts are a waste of BD resources.

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First of all, I can agree odd treatment coming from Noz until he said that I and FK got incompatible matchmaking check which seems to be prime reason for his pushing.

I can agree to myself before I did the bleeding, that is going to cost my win con to survive over something I can confirm someone as BD fully without a doubt, I get the notification at start tonight and trust me, I won’t lie about it.

Chances that Physician will spawn are not 100% guaranteed even though there are 8-9 slots for it - have RNGESUS mercy on her fortune.

Secondly, a townie always consider to hear more people who haven’t contributed to the discussion table and it’s my intent to wake up the sleeping giant that is known as Blue Dragon faction and you stopped Bazingaboy from hammering it, even though I lost track who voted me up now I got proper RVS going, on myself.

Well okay fine, better not risk AoE.

I mean 1 Prince exe isn’t so bad

as long as Frost does not betray us

:sweat: “H-hai!”

or if we have any Knights, we can have them CS Frost when needed

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instead of yolo CSing

Not really, Hes literally going to have to bleed us he’s literally an anti BD class

He can literally heal himself. Then we wasted our resources.

Hmmm okay you got a point

but we can keep him alive for now, and the moment he shows any signs of betrayal, we have the Prince kill him

Anti BD class that can ‘check’ faction allegiance on player that causes to bleed, do you know what Extract Essence mean? It’s like DNA test that requires unnecessary amount of blood.

Physician won’t waste his resource if I heal Livicus instead

As he has to

not really a waste for phys to heal me, I just don’t know if one exists


is that part of extract essence

He literally needs to bleed himself to get more potions to heal himself, why would he heal you and bleed people just to get a potion to heal you:

Essentially this. It’s a waste of resources to kill a player who’s entire wincon is to survive as they won’t stab us in the back so early.

He won’t need immunity/self-healing as only a complete idiot would night kill a neut as scum.

I have one use remaining by the time host wakes up - the next one should be used when town suspect someone is scum and I will use that when I get extra charge or not.

Why would I bleed myself, I will only lose one charge and gains nothing. Are you implying that I could become Neutral Citizen?

Then why does he need to bleed us? He literally will bleed us and you want him to live