Forum of Lies 16 - (16/16) Rerolling

So mystic wouldn’t be an option right? And priest too right not an option?

Non-unique Cult Alts.

please ask questions in your class card thread.

Essentially @overthebin should or should not use it. Case solved.


Made an error :angry:


cough Invoker Prince cough

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Still only one error :kiss:

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But that is a HUGE error.

Not really. It made 0 difference to the result

I think Insanity is scum. Just sayin’

I claim Mastermind btw.

No, I actually claim foolsochist.

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You won’t throw me off your scent like that :thinking:

I used deodorant though :thinking:

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And yet you still smell like scum - what does that tell you?

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I need to bath?

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Don’t ask for SF if you don’t claim/prove yourself yet

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Thanks for seeing my side of things