Forum of Lies 16 - (16/16) Rerolling

You want me to heal Livicus back when I get that extra use? Otherwise I leave him alone.

Wait alch are compatible with everyone

Prince take care of him even more.

You can ā€œheal himā€ by yourself. Fix your own mistake

Duh thatā€™s what I intend to do after.

Squid alch are compatible with everyone, heā€™s literally lying.

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No, FK. I am Neut

Alchs are compatible with everyone thatā€™s wait the maid card says.

I had a feeling about that too, but if heā€™s lying, why arenā€™t we exeing him?

Oh nooooo, link?

Which is again why maid is stupidly over powered.

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This canā€™t be right.

Err, here. Bolded part for emphasis.

wait I thought alchs were compatible with everyone.

Yes, I am right.


Nope, thatā€™s not the case

Except all neutrals can win with each other, so this doesnā€™t exactly make sense.

Still he bled someone and claims neutral, there is no reason for prince not to execute him.

So let Livicus die? Youā€™re heartless.

Thereā€™s a chance that thereā€™s a Physician that can heal him