Forum of Lies 16 - (16/16) Rerolling

Livi removed his vote on him

Because we wanted his claim before we decide to hammer him or not

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No, we let prince execute them as they are then confirmed scum, alch can also heal themselves which you should know?

I canā€™t heal myself as scum, you know.

But the point is, I heal Livicus.

I rlly donā€™t like your explanation as you pay attention close to detail and now you are suggesting a knight take care of them when they can stoneskin which you should know, there is no reason we should execute them today as they claimed neutral and prince can deal.

Still if you happen to be alch we donā€™t want to waste our resources testing if you are alch we want you dead.

I canā€™t stoneskin anymore lol?

Stoneskin/healing is the same thing.

Because executing an Alch is a waste of resources? We have potential information that can either confirm Frost as Alch or debunk him depending on how the hosts respond here.

Read your class card

No it isnā€™t, killing a neutral isnā€™t wasting our resources and how is Csing an alch who can heal themselves not wasting our resources? i donā€™t care if heā€™s alch he claimed non BD and therefore should die

Thereā€™s no stoneskin potion anymore, I know I can heal myself but I need to heal Livicus tonight

Sarun why do you want to confirm frost and leave him alive so bad, when he literally had to bleed us to gain anything

Because jailing is far more valuable than CSing. We can prevent a conversion or even a nightkill by jailing.

Weā€™re having a Physician heal Livicus tonight. Youā€™re going to be sent to the slammer, bucko

Conversion is most likely on cool down due to no deaths if this is cult

Iā€™d rather him dead. But an Alch is not worth the Princeā€™s time.

Are you even that sure that Knight is in this game? Itā€™s not a guaranteed class

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So? CS and he heals himself, and we could prevent that but prince isnā€™t the only one who can do that, EXPLAIN IN WHAT WORLD KILLING A NEUTRAL IS WORSE THEN NOT. Cool they could stop a conversion/nightkill we have certain classes for that.