Forum of Lies 16 - (16/16) Rerolling

It really didn’t matter alch is still anti BD.

No promise with RNGESUS, you may need to offer her tribute and be praised of your answer.

No I mean if you’re scum and not alch, then there will be a phys


He mechanically cannot be an Alch.

There will be a physican and or another alch, cause he can’t be it since he was incompatible. I literally told you to execute the alch claim as it was probably false.

and regardless, knowing I’m going to die to bleeding, this gives me two days’ worth to be as aggressive as I can because Unseen/Cult wouldn-t bother to kill or convert a bleeding BD

Yeah… I asked too just in case and I got the same response

alch is compatible with anyone?

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If the Phys/Alch doesn’t heal you, then we have to hang them, no questions asked

I actually thought of not.

The fact that we can literally defeat the scum faction D2 if insanity is scum just shows how over powered maid is.

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I thought the same

you know we should really change Maid’s Matchmake to just compare factions as a parity chain cop

less complicated

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Also this shows you TO NEVER TRUST AN ALCH CLAIM

Cough Sarun cough


I think it used to be that way, I have no idea why it’s changed.

it never was that way

Lame, at least the future scum can’t use that.

Who knows, how can I get checked by investigators if I am kept to jail all the time - which class can check me at day?

By the time it takes this long, the NK may have found the Prince.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Alice Sam17z 1/9
Frost Nozbugz, Marg, Alice, Bazi 4/9
Squid Marl 1/9
Insanity Frostwolf,Livi, Squid 3/9

With 16 players left, Majority is 9

Frost is lying

I didn’t get any bleeding feedback