Forum of Lies 16 - (16/16) Rerolling


Are spectators able to see whos what

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Ever since the Ritual Mafia incident, probably not.

What happened then?

At Discord channel with scum chat yes. (probably)

Itā€™s a forum chat for scum chat

(Cause I canā€™t use discord)

Spectators had access to all information there and one of the players there kept trying to angleshooting the spectators to find scum.

Donā€™t add spectators IMO, itā€™s just added work for you plus we donā€™t want to risk cheaters.

cough Memesky cough

Kinda reminds me of Conspiracy (It wasnā€™t a spectator issue, but information was outted :/)

Nah, if you add a all roles in special channel itā€™s fine.

I think should stop panicking because one person (Which would probably try to do something stupid either way) decided to cheat. Unless you think Tech would do that.

Tech wouldnā€™t cheat imo.

That was other situation completely inrelevant with spectators.

Memesky is here and heā€™s the type of person whoā€™s willing to do thatā€¦ I think

Then whatā€™s the problem?

@Luxy @Marcus_Doodalee @eevee

Also, since I live a bit south of Raleigh my power may end up being cut from Hurricane Florence. Hereā€™s a heads-up in case I become inactive.

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Problem:Itā€™s better to get rid of the problem by not allowing it to happen

Memesky isnā€™t in game. Besides they arenā€™t getting added to rolecards. Only on discord.

They are in the game.
And honestly IMO they should be replaced if they arenā€™t going to try

Heā€™s a player, bucko