Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

She followed Wolfy and saw both me and Sam17z visiting her, so I’d say she is legit.

/DECIDE FATE JEFF (not actually using DF)

then Sam is most likely the puppeted target rather than possessor

I doubt it lots that is a possessor lol.

I highly doubt it, the DN is exactly sounding like sam and I think that the NK isn’t possessor

That’s assuming there is even a possessor, which I find unlikely.

Plus there were two kills, so even if there was a possessor it’s a 50/50 if that kill was done by him

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okay then I think we question Sam

Bazinga should be lynched rn instead of sam change my mind

I am a good boy


we don’t have enough trials to just be erratic

Same. I don’t necessarily believe it’s a Poss game but if it is then there’s a chance Sam17z may also be BD here.

I’d rather focus on Sam today.

He’s 100% evil. I’m betting it, that deathnote reeks of him.

@Sam17z would you like to show us your logs

Hey butler, poison noz as fast as possible

mystic has gotten a SF kek

Also, its EFoL notifications correct?

this is FoL not ToL

King got SF now.