Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

It’s trial bucko you can’t use abilities on trial

No, you’re caught scum You killed a bish so you die a bish

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You are saying that because you know I am right

No, I’m saying it because you’re NK and I have no reason to trust you sips tea

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I bleed someone I can’t be NK. You cease to understand. And my wagon was too fast for me to be a scum bag

Who did you bleed, then?

No one yet it’s trial

If you bleed someone IMO you are then assassin. Guys just stop arguing with him.

If you give me a target I can bleed someone

Wagonomics doesn’t mean shit if the one on the receiving end is NK

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Bleed Insanity, then.

You aren’t understanding! NK’S CANT BLEED!

But I want someone to confirm my bleed. Insanity if scum won’t


Haven’t you heard the rule of only one catchword per post, pal??

You could also be an Assassin, don’t you know? :thinking:

Bleed the king.

You want me to bleed someone then heal them. And then I see if they are Town or not

Oh shit! Sorry, bucko

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But my fast wagon doesn’t support an assasin claim you meat head

How about I bleed you and then heal you tonight? Then I confirm you as Town