Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

I say we pardon Sam first

and if he doesn’t bleed anyone then we know he’s NK

otherwise, he’s an alch who we could let Prince kill

or if we have no better targets to lynch, we lynch Sam anyways

Fine, but only to prove he can bleed

We can’t revote him doofus that’s the whole problem

Baz prince can take care of them. We aren’t voting insanity or Sarun so it’s fine

We also don’t have a better target than Sam

oh right

then regardless, he can get Prince’d

We will get one, there is a lot of info here.

if we analyze the wagons, we might find a target

I’m consider pushing on HTM or Frost considering their middle-of-the-road position on Sam’s wagon

Vote Count!

Decision Voters Count
Execute bazingaboy, htm, NozBugz 3/8
Pardon Firekitten, Livicus, Alice, techwolves, Insanity, PoisonedSquid 6/8

@Htm @NozBugz @bazingaboy pardon this, we aren’t voting insanity or Sarun.

Who am I bleeding btw?

You are bleeding insanity good sir.


I mean if you want more day time there’s no reason for me to hammer pardon is there? Contradictory

Not really, it doesn’t hurt us to hammer pardon it hurts to hammer execute.

Trial counts as time. Me being in trial counts as our time to vote someone new you meat head

the whole thing about voting is that we can analyze the wagon

if someone is on trial, no wagons can take place

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which is also why Noz shouldn’t have hammered Sam

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But my whole stance is that it’s not worth the high possibility of a wrong wagon on a BD instead of executing a confirmed scum. I would rather wait till tomorrow to do this when we have more information. I understand that Sam will still die either way, that has never been my problem.

we can kill Sam in jail

We get more infomation from executing someone other then sam, executing sam in prince gets rid of a confirmed scum and we get info.