Forum of Lies 26 Signup Thread (18/18)

Oh come on :disappointed:

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Third neut? :eyes:

I’m the Ultimate Neut.

Come and fight me

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I mean I never specified whether it was nk or not :wink:

Comes to fight you because I want to be Neut

Just both be neuts

Noot noot

Doot Door imma Noot

No, Discobot has already decided I won’t be a Neut.

I mean discobot also decided I would die N1

So? Do you question Discobot’s infinite Wisdom?

There is only one real Bot :rage:

I know, and it’s Discobot.

Chloe heart, could you ban this boy? reeeeee

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But do you decide that I will die N1 priestess

You won’t die n1 kk

K priestess better bot

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Leave my Neut spot alone >:(

No, I need it.