Forum of Lies 26 Signup Thread (18/18)

Devout King. Easy

NK > Neut > Scum > King > Normal BD

Who will be starting Neutral non NK?
@discobot 2d18

@discobot roll 2d18

:game_die: 10, 16

You need to put roll before it

PoisonedSquid and Alexej

Squid switch spots please

Apparently squid is nk and not nk at the same time

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That sounds like Squid, yes

Tfw discobot is in top 10 posters

Who will be the third neut?
@discobot roll 1d18

:game_die: 10

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Deep down I just knew that would happen


@discobot roll 1d18

:game_die: 4

Close enough.

There’s a maximum of 2 non-NK neuts

Who will be the N1 kill?
@discobot roll 1d18

:game_die: 12