Forum of Lies 26 Signup Thread (18/18)

@discobot Würfeln 1d2

:game_die: 1

Its Unseen game indeed

@discobot Würfeln 1d18

:game_die: 6

We have a Possessor King!

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I hope the game will actually be rolled soon.

The game is actually rolled already

:eyes: I want my rolecard.

Only when you pray to the Wolf and to the Cat

I pray to the Wolf and to the Cat

gib role plz

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Role me daddy

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Where’s my role?! Where’s my role?! Where’s my role?!

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The roles are in that box in the corner

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Role me too

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Role or revolt.

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riot suppression teams are on their way

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I don’t have patience. Y e e t

Also slank cover for a lil which cuz robotics comp