Forum of Lies 26 Signup Thread (18/18)

Just 1 hour and 18 minutes left.

go go go go

hm this ain’t right, reee

38 minutes remain.

It was right, what are you talking about?

no I was joking with the “reee”

Okay then.

What you guys don’t know is I roll a dice to decide who to death tunnel

Just 17 more minutes. I have a dreading feeling it won’t start on time though.


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I’ll be working till 4

I got my rolecard the exact same time I posted that, lol.

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The game thread will be set up soon.


People wanted theirs roles… I ask for whole spreadsheet

Get on my level :^)

@Frostwolf103 seriously, send me spreadsheet link.



games over. Sorry mate

Oh well.