Forum of Lies 26 Signup Thread (18/18)

Who will be the two starting Cultseen?

@discobot roll 2d18

:game_die: 3, 1

I’d like that

It has been decided, Universal and Marshal will roll Cult.

Who will roll NK?

@discobot roll 1d18

:game_die: 10

:cry: Guess I’ll never roll NK.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

I know that feelin bud

Last FoL I wished for a neut game and my wish was granted.

Mine was too, although I didn’t fare too well.

I never was able to play neutral in fol

Luxy rolled it twice in a row, and I replaced in for him the second time.

Will I roll Neutral? (1 for Yes, 2 for No)

@discobot roll 1d2

1 Like

:game_die: 2


Will Jane roll neutral?
On the regular slot
@discobot roll 1d18
(1 is neutral)

@discobot Würfeln 1d18

:game_die: 8

And on the second slot
@discobot Würfeln 1d36

:game_die: 5