Forum of Lies 26 Signup Thread (18/18)

Yeah no, discobot has spoken

Good, more room for MEEEE to roll neutral! Bwahahahaha!

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Will I roll a complicated class?
@discobot 1d18

I think I inputted it wrong :upside_down_face:

@discobot roll 1d18

:game_die: 2

Signup Voting Counter

Accused Votes Accuser
Marshal 2/10 Jgoesgaming, Possessed
Wazza 1/10 SirDerpsAlot
Sulit 1/10 Arete

Majority and Plurality are both enabled, also there are no trials existing.
Means, when you vote up a player so he has enough votes to get him normally on trial, he just gets insta executed and the day ends immediately.
Plurality means, when noone is lynched until End of Day (EoD), the player with the most votes is getting lynched.
“No-Lynch” is a viable vote.


/vote frost

But I voted Marshal?

1 Like

Vulgard is the new Marshal, shhh
One sec

Who will be Prince?
@discobot roll 1d18

:game_die: 2

We are legally obligated to murder arete N1


Who will be King?

@discobot roll 1d18, 1d3

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot roll 1d18

:game_die: 1

We regular ToL in here

Oh, Marshal will be both King and starting Cult at the same time.

i secretly want to be the king because fun