Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Hm, that’s true. @Napoleon are people notified of kills they make that they didn’t explicitly specify?

I’d like to hear your thoughts on the lowposters if you don’t mind, especially if one of them in particular pings you.

I guess I’m still not exactly sure what you mean, Light. Yes, we have 2 night kills that happened. I guess I was trying to narrow down who we might be up against. Like who the neutral killer might be.

i a m v o t i n g e e v e e

insistence on not doing anything til d2 and then not showing up d2 is no bueno
i understand sleep
but after deliberately not participating d1 a few messages would be cool

I’ve seen who’s died, but I haven’t read any further.
Hello, town. I am here.


ohaidere magnus
we were just talking about you
come in, come in

If you have a question for the host, please ask in your class card.

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Ah, my apologies I hadn’t seen the VC in awhile. I do understand some people have lives wouldn’t know what that is but at least a couple messages are expected here. Hopefully when they return we can get some solid content from the slot.

Will do, thank you.

Also, approximately 36 hours before the day ends. Reminder that there is a 20 game-relevant minimum post requirement.

Let us know when you finish reading if you don’t mind, and when you’re done could you provide a readlist?

That might take some time, unfortunately.

I’m not in a rush, as long as it gets done several hours before EoD.

am tired
will sleep
am going to [REDACTED] tomorrow
will most likely not be very active


I received a reply on the night kills. They won’t get notified at all about their kills.

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Goodnight Light, hope you sleep well.

Alright that’s good to know, you might actually be on to something with your theory tbh.

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It might make more sense for the kills and why it was Chaos instead of someone more important like Rune.

And also it assumes Rune used his bear for protection, which I think is likely.

Oh wait, it says the wolf can’t be used after the bear companion.