Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Don’t know about the second part but yeah I 100% agree with the first part.

Remember he’s smarter then me! :brain:

Meh, since Soul is useless… @CRichard564 want me to solve your problem instead?

Lots of pretty smart players here Richard.
I ain’t one of them.
I like to consider myself more of a special kind of player if that makes sense. As such I’m in the middle priority so that’s fun yes! Fun! Very fun!

Yeah and would be nice to have a lot of diverting thoughts on POE. I’ve tried to differ from it a bit but I understand my current POE falls in line with the majority of players.

What am I “useless” for.

Is this about Mist?
If that’s so, I don’t think their spicy read on my slot comes from a wolf.
I don’t think their reasons to vote on my slot are good.
Yet their reasons for voting me don’t make sense from a wolf PoV.
If it were a wolf trying to push for a mislynch, why are they alone?

Simple, this isn’t a wolf motivated push.


And not people, sentences and what they are meant to mean.

at least I try :wink:

And that’s supposed to annoy me?

Stop complaining do something about it even if you aren’t confident in your ability

Not shutting down any discussion… I said I’m generally more busy and want to do other things at this time if that’s what you meant. I miss things and likely agree with majority too much at times but I’m not saying I’m a “Great” player I’m just trying

Are you currently reading Soul as a scum?

I feel like the whole interaction between you two is just TvT though.


First of all, I tried to start a discussion.

An actually efficient discussion starts with maming sure both sodes use same base knowledge.

Meaning I actually knew whobyou are voting and why and you suggesting to read iso and that you are at least reading is highly offensive and shuts down me trying to talk to you.

Same does Paradox answering the question, since Im trying to set up equal starting ground with someone else, so his answer was purely useless and ruining it kinda.

No, I’m trying to help him right now.

i use they pronouns but it’s not a big deal
And yeah, I shouldn’t have done that I agree as it did ruin your line of questioning.

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Fair enough, I suppose.

But anyway, who are in your PoE and scumread right now?

You know me, Im not interfering in scumhunting till situation gets desperate.

…That is an interesting approach I have never seen before coming from you :eyes:

But anyway, why not scum hunt right now, before the situation gets desperate?

Not trying to shut down a conversation sorry and If I do miss your point of what you said ect. It’s because I have dyslexia so sometimes my brain is stupid ;/

I just didn’t really find para pointing out who I was voting was scummy and more of a Nai thing.

literally I randomly don’t see words sometimes or miss it while reading and ruins the whole point behind what someone said

I can’t see why you wouldn’t be scumhunting at the moment, but I can’t pretend everyone will have the same playstyle as me. Can I ask why exactly you’re not?