Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Why did you quick edit that?

So Whysper and Mistyx were killed last night.
I have a feeling whoever killed Whysper N2 also killed Chaos N1 if my theory that one of the killers is killing socially confirmed town is true.

Are you trying to play dumb and get the prince outed

Suggesting itā€™s not outed already is ridiculous.

hmm then out the pronce if its so obvious :^)

Letā€™s have a little thought exercise. Whoā€™s the assassin if AT is MM?


Nice assassin had link minds didnā€™t know that

Iā€™ll be back in a bit

Is your reason for putting me in PoE because Mistyx didnā€™t like my slot and they died N2?

No but I think people just consider you for poe I need to re-look at your stuff again.

I get that seeing that I havenā€™t claimed at all and as far theyā€™re aware Iā€™m unconfirmed.
That makes sense.

nah it just I think you can cruel enough to murder both chaos/intensify and whysper/mist

I was expecting Derps to flip D2 so that weā€™d have an idea if our PoE is correct.
Yet instead we have Magnus who I said is a good investigation target is instead yeeted.
Then we wonder why town loses games. Gotta learn to listen.

I would have posted it immediately afterwards but I like only said MM because of SDA

I see. Anything else concrete apart from that?
Iā€™m not a killer class if thatā€™s what youā€™re thinking.

Well thats it.

I donā€™t need justification for doing it, I donā€™t care and wonā€™t read you for it, but technicly it needs to be made public.

If you want to explain it to someone, go to gorta, he asked you about it.

Lets see if I have this right?
You think I should be in PoE because you think Iā€™m cruel enough to do those night kills, when for all we know it could be someone more suspicious such as Derps if they werenā€™t occupied/jailed N2.
In other words, your suspicion on my slot is just that. A suspicion.
Anything I missed?

Derps couldā€™ve done it, but hes getting jailed