Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I shall request link!

/Vote Wazza


I was pissed off.

My comments addressing Magnus will be this.
Magnus if youā€™re reading this, if you donā€™t play the games you signed up for itā€™s 100% on you when they execute you as suspected scum.
Play the game you signed up or be a policy lynch in every game you sign up for.
The choice is yours Magnus.
Or donā€™t play if real life gets in the way.

Itā€™s like I had a Tone Town read on Magnus and it wasnā€™t a slot I needed to really read further which made it easy to take out of PoE for me but for everyone else apparently they were PoE.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Vote Count
Wazza Soulshade55r, Surge 2/7
eevee Insanity 1/7
Not Voting Wazza, RuneScimitar, CRichard564, Paradox, PokemonKidRyan, eevee, an_gorta_pratai, SirDerpsAlot, ATNoName, Light 10

ping me if any votes are missed but since i am amazing host i missed no votes probably

I agree.
I mean Iā€™m busy but I still post a good chunk so you should as well Magnus.

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Iā€™ll mention it this much.
If Derps flips town after the Prince is done with them, Iā€™ll make a point of hoping that whatever faction they start as, Iā€™m not the same starting faction as them.

That was honestly an awful EoD. I was so shocked Derps claimed Prince I didnā€™t know quite what to do, and a Magnus wagon was suggested so I went with it over the ā€œprinceā€.

You can say that again.
If I wasnā€™t fast asleep, Iā€™d be saying he should be investigated not executed.
Alas I need sleep just as everyone else does.

Seeing as they obviously are not Prince, then the real Prince kills them in jail.

that was honestly an awful eod : )
Well I can only hope so at this point.

you push on me in every game.

and every game youā€™re incorrect.

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anyway imma get some sleep, got school in 3 hours but Iā€™m not going in anyway, peace.

Goodnight Wazza, sleep well.

But does every game apply to this game?

Yes, yes it does.

What Color is your Rolecard this game compared to the other ones?

Lol yeah Iā€™m right.
Cya as confirmed Town tomorrow.

Just did a quick recheck lol.
Iā€™ll explain Day 4.

Unfortunately I think this means Evil King lynch is delayed but we will see Day 4.
Donā€™t want to say no more.

Didnā€™t I already say to just lynch someone you feel is scummy inśread of leaving obvious work to someone with better PoV then avarge?