Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Kill association.

He/She has been TRing Chaos/Intensify D1 and by everyone they were killed for being confirmed town.

Its also the same with Mist(greyzone) and Whysper.


Of course. Anything else?

Because he tr the heavily tr players thatā€™s wolfy


Iā€™m p sure that basically most people were TRā€™ing Chaos/Mist/Whysper.

I donā€™t think I was ever too keen on Mist mainly because of frost

Well I had no partake in that matter except for Mist and Intensify.

You got me there, yet I was far from the only one TRing both Chaos and Intensify.
Chaos because they were obvious noob town.
Ditto for Intensify even though their opener was Iā€™ll admit weird.

Ah yes Mist. I was wondering when youā€™d mention her.
Correct she had a spicy scum read on me, which I explained only made sense from town PoV.
I had Whysper as a tentative town lean based on their progression.

Not sure if this is wolfy from No Name or not. Will keep an eye on this.
Anyway I need sleep bad.
Iā€™ll see you all later.

Is EoD today or tomorrow



Right, Iā€™ve been worldbuilding around a GS!Derps world and hereā€™s effectively what I have. This is pre-flippy as hell, but so far with the interactions and mech we have I think this is the most likely world.

To start off, Soul/CRich/Surge are basically obvious clears. Light I donā€™t think ever flips starting wolf from his D1. Insanity just dies either way unless heā€™s an NK with anti-bleed protection, which heā€™d be outed SoD so I donā€™t really care here, and PKR is lolking. I think gortaā€™s also just town, so the remainder for starting wolf pool is Wazza/Eevee/AT/Paradox/Derps/gorta

Itā€™s probably something like AT as MM/Derps as Assassin/Paradox as a convert. AT can only flip MM, random cult, or converted here if heā€™s a wolf as he cannot be a CL, Assassin, nor NK as he wouldnā€™t be able to kill n2. We always go Derps>AT>Para if Derps flips Assassin.

Having Derps/AT here kind of fits very well being that Derps is a very bussy wolf and was probably trying to spew him/AT as unrelated when he was going down.

AT as MM effectively always spews Paradox as converted because of Whysperā€™s logs.

Additionally, all three of them alongside Soul and Light who are very strong BD reads and lolgorta voted Magnus. If W!Derps was going for a last-stand then itā€™s not too unlikely that heā€™d have his entire team try to CFD here.

Paradox actually has a fairly risky claim that I donā€™t think heā€™d make were he starting wolf from how insecure he is in respect to his skills. Iā€™d probably kill him if and only if AT flips converter.

Eevee would probably just hardbus Derps if they were W/W as their interactions here donā€™t feel really that partnery.

Wazza is literally a cointoss in respects to Derps as heā€™s literally not playing the game.

Iā€™m honestly for just killing Derps today as his flip can tell a lot about the worlds that are mechanically possible and the ones that arenā€™t.


/vote SirDerpsAlot

Frankly rn Iā€™d probably ask for AT to be HHā€™d by @Insanity if Derps flips Assassin.

The Prince should just jail and execute Wazza as heā€™s literally doing nothing and is in a very tight PoE.

Damn bro sorry to say but you kinda just

Wasted your time

Why is what Iā€™m doing a buss as opposed to me just being town pushing scum

How many Fucking times do I have to say I didnā€™t try to CFD onto fucking magnus

I mean

He should proabably execute based on flips?

Tho I think itā€™s best for prince to go for NK at this point

Iā€™m going with your judgement here and your my solid best bet on who to trust because I know you knew who prince was.

/Vote Derps

I honestly doubt prince is going to kill Derp at this point, Prince needs to execute someone from poe tonight this is either be passive and lose or be aggressive and die trying

Because I absolutely cannot see you as BD? You literally didnā€™t bother to read the thread, made a shitty pre-flip while tunneling the obvtown Mystic, and then fakeclaimed Prince to get out of a lynch while mislynching the Maid.

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Pretty much. I donā€™t have much trust in our Prince so I donā€™t think we should rely on them.