Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Do I know you?

Yeah, that was a point I was trying to make Intensify. Itā€™s on you to show people youā€™re a villager by your actions and words, and not rely on a claim to get you out of it.

Yes, Iā€™m an alt.


Look at SFOl 62.
Despite there being a literal anti-claim NK that DID SPAWN IN THAT GAME, people still claimed when oh no Iā€™m being wagoned.

Iā€™m town reading Scimitar for their approach to the game so far.
Though of course reevaluate if the town reads are living longer than they should and/or PoE is flipping town.

Thereā€™s no anticlaim this game, though.

Ok look, unless we are specifically Prince, letā€™s not claim until we reach mass-claim day or whenever that happens.

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I mean Rune is an outed alt account here. Lets move on.

Mindflayer and Inquisitor still exist, so I wouldnā€™t needlessly claim.

Yes I know, but open-claiming is a lazy way of trying to save yourself from being wagoned unless youā€™re Prince. There are other ways to prove youā€™re still towny while being wagoned.

I donā€™t think trying to figure out the alts is encouraged here.
But thereā€™s a time and a place for claiming it just has to be carefully thought out.

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Letā€™s be honest, youā€™re only going to survive if youā€™re not the most suspicious player.

Iā€™ve often been told my posts are insanely distinctive to the point that people usually know who I am before EoD1, so Iā€™m not really going to bother keeping the charade up.

But enough of that.

Ok look, please just donā€™t claim.
Like someone else said, Mindflayer still exists.
Just prove to everyone that youā€™re towny yourself

But like isnā€™t that what hes doing right now?

Magnus claimed?

Thank you. I think this is enough talk about claiming and when to/not to do it though, it feels a bit overexplained by now.

no proving himself as town

Iā€™ve already stated that I wonā€™t claim until late day 2, minimum.

Letā€™s just stop the discussion of claiming right now, its not giving us any info to support reads.

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