Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I must say Surge posting once and leaving isn’t making me like their slot so far.
Insanity’s starting post.

I mean your last game was SFoL 63, so I’m not sure why you’d say you haven’t played FoL for a while but ok.

I mean official FoL.

Really haven’t played it in a long time.

I’ll try and catch up a little bit now but damn this is going by fast.

I’d imagine Seth will make his alignment obvious by EoD2.

Probs not sweating too much in regards to him.

400 posts in 6 hours is fast for you?

I’m not sure what to think of this opening.
I’m getting Scum vibes but it’s probably just paranoia.

It will prob take me 15-20 Mins to fully catch up yeah.

You couldn’t have just combined openings together?
Would have looked cooler.

Can you not discuss the fluff part.

I like this response.
I know it isn’t AI but I still like it allot.

Oh wait, it’s D1, then you’d talk about nothing :^)

So, are you gonna post fluff?

But the fluff part is where the juicy details comes in :^)

I’ve never found much I can base a strong read off of at SoD, as it is mostly fluff.

What’s ??? About it?
He said your reaction was a reaction that can’t be concluded by alignment.
An easy response that both alignments can use thus a safe response for scum.

A lot of wolves tend to bungle up SoDs posts hard overly stiled and artificial openings tend to be very heavily >rand w.

Well, you didn’t read the entire thing.

Wolves always have to appear as towny as possible, and that can easily slip as their mind tries to juggle a lie.

True true, awkward SoDs are a possible sign of a struggling wolf trying to fit in. I’ve just never been all that great at identifying them tbh.

Then it is time for me to bus myself D2!