Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I can tell you that it Probabaly felt like that because it was a last second thought

Mind walking me through your thought process throughout this?

I didnā€™t plan it earlier and I couldnā€™t get out of the Execute so I decided that would be the best way to try to Execute scum instead

Not bad.

See how meaningless this is can you stop wasting time.

me no see sdaā€™s towntell
i donā€™t see his scumtell either tho

ā€œShit Iā€™m gonn get lynched, scum are all tred and gonna roll, I need to stay aliveā€

Whatā€™s not bad


Outside of AT, who else do you think flips W?

Soul Iā€™m not talking to you please butt the fuck out

Stop destroying the thread with the stupid argument that what you did wanā€™t scummy it was get over yourself if your town think about how much you screwed up

Paradox is likely his convert or at least attempted convert, I still think ur likely nk and for ass Iā€™m honestly not certain atm

Well yes, but what in the world positive did you think this would get you besides a theoretical pelt?

Soul Iā€™m ignoring you untill Iā€™m done talking with para

You show no actual interest in wanting to solve you want to cry for help from eevee and gorta because they will be the only ones to help you.

All you can come up with is saying Atno is scum over and over itā€™s getting boring

In mind a pelt would be worth the risk of prince still lynching me, and also wagons were garbage and gave no info so a CFD on someone especially scum gave more info than stagnate wagon on me

Itā€™s kind of an either-or thing. If ATā€™s a wolf then he can only be MM or Random Cultist. If heā€™s MM then Paradox is basically guaranteed to be a convert unless PKR vouches for him.

ok but like whats the point

Also why canā€™t I be the Assassin?

Doesnā€™t the Prince have guilt in this setup, or am I mistaken?