Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Well considered it Day 1, became almost certain Day 3, absolutely certain Day 4/5.

This is why I donā€™t keep an FM record anymore.
Because I lose so much and quite frankly itā€™s not my fault.
I shouldnā€™t have to rely on my team when Iā€™m right.

Donā€™t claim prince as BD you were on point but you had the wrong behaviour for the game imo seriously that really fucked us over

You were like one of the few town who scumread me for it

I pushed on a wolf after

Idk how you play but thatā€™s not anything I can see from a town POV

The only game where people actually listened to me in a game was a Mafia451 My Hero Academy.

I had to go almost as soon as D4 or whatever started
So I couldnā€™t really defend myself for shit

I figured all this shit out.
The only person I was wrong on (other then Derps but they are Derps) is Light.

Derps was disgustingly obvious town

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The quick lynch shouldnā€™t have happened.
I really dislike playing with Alice and people like that sometimes because itā€™s hard to 1V1 them due to my lack of convincing.

Heres what would have happened if you didnā€™t out as prince:

  1. wouldnā€™t have wasted Gortaā€™s time he would have had Atno jailed still.
  2. Magnus wouldnā€™t have been miss lynched
  3. People would have looked at the d2 interaction and figured out your push was actually scummy.
  4. Gorta wouldnā€™t have jailed you n3 and exe.d

Bonus round Gorta was obvious prince protctives not picking up on that was funny

We called Rune out as Alice almost instantly
It was pretty funny


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen that chart be inaccurate.

Even if I claimed Assassin.
Alice would have still won and lynched me because itā€™s Alice.
Like FUCK.

you had a bleed

Yeah but Alice would have still convinced others to lynch the Assassin.

Rune was the Best lynch and the fact no one could see that is dumb.

Calm down weā€™re all here to have fun.

I agree with being annoyed BUT:

I was actually thinking of lynching Alice having Richard deb you into Vul (if he had pd left) and it would have been gg

But no bd decides to vote without me (I was pretty drunk/tipsy from my birthday).

The Obv Play was to lynch Rune and RB me.
But noooooo.
No Iā€™m sick of this.
I tell people whatā€™s what but they never listen.
I play for objective not to pointless talk and lynch the ā€œmost scummyā€ because quite frankly most of the time the ā€œmost scummyā€ are Weak Town.

Hold on what