Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Can both of you stop using me as a noun to each other? I am honored to be notorious, but neither of you fit the bill compared to me.
It’s like calling a pedophile an arsonist; both are criminals, but they are not the same.


I told everyone that the bleed doesn’t confirm RuneScimitar.

You are yourself to blame

I think you just need to swap your approach.

You’ve yourself admitted that I’m the strongest player logic-wise on this site. So attempting to poke holes in my arguments using logic is… not exactly going to be effective being that my arguments are airtight regardless of my alignment.

Also congratulations, normally I would keep fighting especially if I knew it was Alice but I doubt myself that I will explode again.

(Why is Alice always hostile whenever we both joined one game and we end up in opposite factions every time)

Probably my wolfing style. I usually am very power-grabby when I wolf.

I did too.

I know, I know your style

That is why I noticed the bleed is red flag but I got nothing to prove that

I trusted in intuition

idk why Surge was executed, his alignment was pretty obviously different from his alignment when he last posted.

Also, Derps wagon and subsequent princecute was uh… not good.

Imagine it was Rune instead of Surge.

i’ve no idea i haven’t played with you so no clue how close my tone was to ya

Honestly I need new title

“I warned you!”

It shouldn’t be close at all. The “me” in everyone’s head (i.e. “how others think of me”) should be only filled with the me from SFoL63 where I threw the game by not giving PKR a chance to live because of past grudges.

Everyone should see me as a petty gamethrower. Even PKR compares me with ******* Seth, even though Seth’s plays are just bad in general because he has a selective mind.

I really don’t know who and why anyone would compare me with you, considering you sounded… “normal” in this game.

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I was mostly bored of seeing all the heretics just out and… die, lol.

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Hey, please don’t look down on yourself :eyes:

I am not looking down on myself. I am looking down on everyone looking down on me for focusing only on what happened at SFoL63, and in my head that would be just about everyone.

…well, it does not matter anyway. There are still 75 days left for me to lurk in the darkness; 75 days for me to “change”; 75 days for me to “chill off”; 75 days for my grudges to wear off…

…75 days before this “malice in human form” can return playing FMs again.

Let’s just end this off on a good note and on a horrible meme