Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I’d say I’m a step above you Name. ; )


Napoleon and I are actually just alts of Centuries so I actually made the first post

You mean TR as in Townreading you right?

RT* sorry.

: |

Oh, if you were referring to me I’m an alt by the way!

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Holy Wars… the punishment due. Killing for religion something i dont understand

Don’t expect that much out of me early game I’m just going to be chilling for now.

Lets not get caught up in mech talk mech-wise only trust princes (maybe mystics and priest keep in mind conversion is a thing.

I also ask to be allied tonight if possible owo, maybe their could be better players but I think it would be really cute and based to ally soul.

Imagine revealing you are an alt

More importantly, if you die, you go to H e a v e n

but only in honorable combat you little shits

Is Night 1 a conversion night here or is that unavailable until Night 2?

D1 crusader claim

Its the same as TOL. N1

Paradox can you reveal post game who you really are owo

I couldn’t do a alt personally (that well)

I figured it was blatantly obvious lol.

I don’t think that’s a role

That I will, first time alting so this is new for me as well.

60 Post Reads Time because yes
SoulShade55r - Nullscum - Reminds me of SFOL 63 so far, then again, haven’t seen a town game from them yet so we’ll see
Wazza - Not Alive
RuneScimitar - Not Alive
CRichard564 - Not Alive
Paradox - Null
PokemonRyanKid (Kang) - Not Alive
ATNoName - Nulltown - Uses an old game when pressure voting… ok…
Insanity - Dad’s sleeping, can’t wake him up
Surge - Not Alive
Whysper - Not Alive
eevee - Not Alive
an_gorta_pratai - Not Alive
Magnus - Not Alive
SirDerpsALot - Not Alive
Chaos_Coffee - Not Alive
Light - Nulltown - Off-topic, pretty sure this is good for now
Frostwolf103 - Not Alive

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you see I’m an alt. just that nobody know who I am