Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Who would have known that making town reads and being apart of the game helps town can you stop repeating what overs say

If you think D1 is helpful to Town there ainā€™t something right.

D1 isnā€™t useful in anyway when thereā€™s no lynch might be good for metareads and some reads, but not really anything else as itā€™s flufffilled

Read FoL28.

It was thanks to people actually playing d1 why several people were cleared and thus allowed Amelia a small pool to make those back-to-back red checks, the NK was caught early, and whatnot.

If youā€™re able to prove Iā€™m wrong in saying you arenā€™t helping town, go for it.
Iā€™d rather be wrong about you being town/scum being anti town here.
The onus is on you to prove youā€™re town if you are starting town.

Actually Agree that day 1 is pretty helpful not only for that but early night actions jails ect.


I think we can all agree on this no matter our alignments no?

Iā€™ll be the first to second that.

Then play, Iā€™ve calmed down, so Iā€™ll give you until EoD2 tomorrow to start playing.

That would be great no punishment.

Here we go. This meme fits here.


Iā€™ve already commented on how youā€™ve been acting care to share what you think in general. (Not saying thatā€™s nearly enough but Iā€™m trying to make sure and know whats going on before I go to bed ect).

Please donā€™t get mad at me legit just trying to chill and play some tol before I go to bed I check in to comment on what youā€™ve been saying and stuff while itā€™s generally only weak defensive stuff on myself itā€™s not me not playing I understand being mad at lazy people but at least give me time and hear me out.

Iā€™ve mentioned Iā€™m willing to do this, and wanting to wind down before bed is perfectly reasonable. As long as you get a good readlist in before EoD (and iā€™m sure you will), then I will consider your slot more carefully.


As you probably know by now Soul, I donā€™t town read you as I donā€™t think youā€™ve been pro town so far.
Though Iā€™m willing to give you a chance to prove yourself as town if you are starting town.

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Iā€™m not really seeking that others should town read me tbh.

I just want to give my own reads my own pushes and work with town I do actually want to look at your slot though

Despite saying this I actually think scum are going to be the vocale ones in acting townie D1 we should be looking at valuble players instead of townie players because believe it or not scum want to be apart of that group or the town core early game.

Pointing out that Insanity did the exact same thing in NFoL2 where he was a Cultist and spent much of the game shitposting rather than playing.

Never said anything resolving a Towncore?
I completely agree we should form one but my point there was we lynch scum or any liability for Town like someone whoā€™s playing scummy and only hurting the game state or someone with completely horrible reads that keeps pushing Town.

How long ago is that?

Eh, please donā€™t read me based on my meta.

So you are the d2 lynch

Then what am I supposed to read you on?

Oh, that was me memeing there Surge. I donā€™t actually think we should form a towncore only to immediately start killing it off, that would be a bit absurd.