Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I thought I’d answered the question but I can go into more detail, yes. You’d mentioned here

that PKR simply choosing the scummiest players of his own volition would reveal his alignment quite well, and I don’t disagree. However, I believe that the pros of Allies being public far outweigh the pros of possibly figuring out an EK N1. Honestly, PKR’s too smart to do that as he knows we’d all SR him for that anyway so this point seems a bit moot.

Its the reason why we are discussing whos gonna be in Allies. If we can get 2 active towns in Allies, they could carefully plan out night actions depending on who they are.

Since EOD is coming, I’ll leave my legacy reads/thoughts here… but like I doubt I die night 1 cause… lmao imagine killing Intensify

  • SoulShade55r (Townread) - Gonna bump this up since they’re also ISOing and actually trying to solve.
  • Wazza (Null) - No comment
  • RuneScimitar (“Special” Townlean) - Possible Neutral Killer candidate. However, if NK is found and dead, Rune is almost towny most likely.
  • CRichard564 (Townread) - If they live too long and is controlling thread and many people in the POE are flipping town, possible deepwolf.
  • Paradox (Townread) - Same comment with CRich, kill if PoE flips town and they’re alive way longer than they should be.
  • PokemonRyanKid :crown: (Probs GK?) - They’re picking good ally candidates plus openly admitting to wanting to do some risky and possibly really dumb stuff, I don’t think EK openly admits that, but we’ll see.
  • ATNoName (Nulltown) - This slot will probably get better day 2 with voting and more interaction. That’s all I have to say.
  • Insanity (Null) - He’s just fluffposting, if he keeps fluffposting, then we need to take care of them.
  • ModeSurgerTheKing (“Special Null”) - I’m actually a little susp of them. They haven’t really showed any signs of tunneling people, they’ve been mostly kinda NAI. Makes me kinda susp of them. However, since there is no vote day 1, it could explain why he hasn’t tunneled anyone or did some of his other stuff yet. So if they don’t start doing their Seth stuff day 2, I would say Vig em.
  • Whysper (Nulltown) - Reminds me of town Whypser. We’ll see tomorrow tho if anything happens with them
  • eevee (Nulltown) - Not sure what is, but something is definitely giving me towny vibes from them despite them not exactly cooperating with town…
  • an_gorta_pratai (Null) - T R E E S
  • Magnus (Nulltown) - He’s interacting a lot more than SFOL 63… that’s interesting. I’d say keep a close eye on them if they do anything susp.
  • SirDerpsALot (Null) - Yes
  • Chaos_Coffee (Nulltown) - Shows signs of newbieness
  • Light (Townlean) - Floofposting, but also has been trying to solve, so that’s good.
  • Frostwolf103 (Null) - No comment

Yeah, this point is a bit moot.
But it’s one which was used to justify claiming, not mine.

PKR knows he would be scumread for inviting inactive people to stall down allies chat. So he won’t do it, so point I was given about that he would just invite inactives is… pointless.


For some reason whenever I see someone put themselves as locktown in their readlist I always kinda get the feeling they’re scum

and also remember that the two starting evils are a higher priority due to those two being able to convert.

So you want people to claim day 1 to chose who to invite to a chat?

That’s even worse than I thought, lol.

We don’t force them to claim, we generally assume they are a town role without knowing who they are.

The day is OwOver, stop posting!

Night 1 has begun and will end in 24 hours. (2020-08-29T18:00:00Z)

Actions will be locked one hour before EoN.

EoD flavor


Actual Flavor

Surge and PKR had a shitty rap battle for no good reason. It was terrible and everyone watching thought it was the worst thing they’ve watched since Geyde tried posting the first flavor.
While all the denizens thought that the party was rocking, anyone with any measure of lucidity would recognize that it was…not the case. The fine wines weren’t all they were talked up to be, and the performance left something to be desired.

The denizens, shocked onto their back foot after the arrival of YeT aNoThEr ToAd, had fleeting moments of lucidity. Hysteria started to form. Who would do this? Only someone in here would know that toads are repugnant creatures.
“WE WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS” the crowd said in unison. The leader of them all, Ultra Elitist Pee Kay Arr, also the captain of the Bullshit Dominion, furthered their ridiculously angry spirits “tHEY HAVE NO CHANCE AGAINST US. aS LONG AS WE STAND TOGETHER AND BOYCOTT THE NEW GAME, THEY WILL GO BACK TO WHAT WE WANTED”

written by @Geyde


A reminder that the deadline for all night actions is in 11 hours, an hour before EoN. Please submit your night actions if you haven’t already.

Night actions are now locked. Will be processing shortly.


People died in the game.
Nintendo has gotten dark. Two elitists, both respected members of the community, had been sliced in half, leaving nothing left but their tattered remains on the floor.

This had to have been done by someone who wanted everyone dead.
It had to have been done by someone who would want to RUIN the collective childhoods of everyone involved. CURSE YOU NINTENDO.

The remainder of the denizens decided that now was the time to make their stand.
It was their time to make this into a shitty chapter 6 reference. Pipes, monocles, and other such accessories of the generic murder mystery were flung on as everyone decided that they would be the ones to figure out this mystery. This will backfire and everyone will fucking die.

Chaos_Coffee was…

The Princess

Blue Dragon Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Flirt (Night) - Flirt with a player, you get a pairing of class types. Their class type will be one of the two. The pairings are Killer/Offensive, Support/Social and Special/Investigative. - Infinite uses
Will-o-Wisp (Night) - Release a Will O’ Wisp, lighting your target’s room. You will learn their faction. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Duchess or The Seeker

They had the following logs on their body.

N1 flirt 12 , no read on them

Intensify was…

The Archer

Blue Dragon Killer
Multi-shot (Day) - If you fire an arrow at one of your marks tonight, remove all marks and attack any other player whose mark was removed. You are immune to redirection this night. - 2 uses
Eagle Shot (Night) - Fire an arrow to kill your target. This ability is disabled if you kill a member of BD with it. - Infinite uses :crown:
Bulls-eye (Night) - Place a mark on target player. A marked player is no longer passively death immune. You may have up to three marks. Targeting a marked player with this ability will remove the mark. Targeting yourself will remove all marks. Marks disappear on death or class change. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Arbalist or The Acolyte.

They had the following logs on their body.

Intensify - The Shooty Boi

N1 - Bulls-eye Soul

Reasoning: I expect Soul to live long enough and not get lonched hence marking them. I trust them for now, but I just want to make sure I can keep a close eye on them just incase whenever I need to kill em quick. We’re gonna kill off the susp people most likely anyways, so marking them would be a waste and me marking someone who’s gonna live but also has a slight chance of being wolf is probs better

Other stuff:
Wazza (Null --> Nulltown) - Bumper up for townier posts
Gorta (Nulltown --> Townlean) - Read their ISO, their tone reminds me of past games where Gortas has been town
Eevee (Nulltown --> Nullscum) - There are some susp stuff in their ISO after re-reading it.

Remember to re-eval off any players that have been pretty much universaly read as town and seemed to have survived for way too long unless POE is flipping scum.

Day 2 has begun and will end in 48 hours (2020-08-31T18:00:00Z) or earlier if majority is reached for execution.

With 16 alive, majority is 9.

You may now post.

(flavor provided by The Joker)

If you got no feedback, you slept peacefully.

NAI Mass Pingus Part 1
