Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Imagine if PKR were to allies two of his biggest scumread because hes EK

I know
But numerically speaking
You have a 35% chance to be evil
The rest of us have a 29.411% chance to be evil

I mean, you are not in my allies chat.
Jk, jk.

Enough math
Iā€™d rather do meth

Yeah, I would have no issues with it?
It would hint towards his aligment way more then enforcing who to target.

uh- a- not even sure how I respond to this

I donā€™t see why most night actions should be discussed, but Allies is a special occasion here. Like others said, it promotes solving and moving the game forward. Additionally, I think itā€™s a good idea to make Allies members public because clarity on this matter seems far more pro-town than anti-town.

m a t h

welp, now you sacrifice the potential that a good allies have to catch an EK.


I donā€™t see how having consensually ā€œsolveyā€ townies in a chat together with the king to discuss reads, night actions, and the gamestate isnā€™t promoting solving itself? Maybe I donā€™t understand your position here as well as Iā€™d like though if you could go into more detail of why Allies shouldnā€™t be discussed in public.


NAI opener once again.

Doesnā€™t like it when I try to RT them via pressure voteā€¦ I donā€™t like RTs either so meh

: (

Definitely not a good answer to my ā€œWhat alignment do you think King isā€ question.

Asking what happens if King doesnā€™t follow upā€¦ thatā€™s pretty good.

Solviness I guess?

This is a good post and I forgot to :hearts: it.

Slight solvey post.
In my opinion, if they donā€™t seem to show signs of trying to help town and is completely just posting random crap, I put em in PoE

He wants L1ght to playā€¦ which I guess is good

Paranoia about Chancellor night 1 is kinda meh

Frost reads, which I mean are decent I guess.

Conclusion: Nulltown
NoNameā€™s ISO is a little meh for me. He has some questionable posts, but also has some towny/solvey posts. Iā€™m just gonna put them as Nulltown for now. Iā€™m confident theyā€™ll get better day 2 when we can actually vote tho

What I meant by asking why is ā€œplease provide reasoningā€, not ā€œitā€™s promoting itself cause itā€™s promoting itselfā€.

Its better for mechanical side where you could plan which night actions without targetting the same people.


How does it affect allies? With what action?

I know, itā€™s a fail argument tho.

No EK will claim EK to anyone on night 1, inviting 2 random people and no scum will claim scum either there tbh.
Besides, 2 non-actives are giving more information about person inviting them anyway and results of it anyway.

It opens up many choices in what you can do with another person. If you are protective, you could protect each other, protect 2 TRs to reduce redundancy, or have 1 protective protect the other while the other protect another TR. Same goes for Protective/Cop. Vig/Cop etc.

I was asking about allies, which is neighborhood, not about protective / invest / kill etc.
Thatā€™s not answer to my question either.

Sure, 2 people in this chat can cooperate, but you would need to know theirs role pre-inviting on day 1 to arrange something like this, otherwise itā€™s >rand.

Soā€¦ againā€¦ why?

@eevee how about this, can you give any negative effects to getting a consensus allies group?