Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Nope, only Insanity.

By the way, in case anyone hasnā€™t mentioned it. I asked Insanity if they are redirect and occupy immune and apparently they are.
Iā€™ll let you guess which class Iā€™m softing here.

We are not massclaiming, just play the game normally.


Friendly reminder that weā€™re way past 25% of the day into D2.


Whatā€™s your point?

This is well known to not be an optimal solution but if you do then so be it.

Yeah, I am not using my second and last charge yet.

It would be kinda lovely if you did literally anything this game as thus far you have been more underwhelming than usual, no offense. I want you to try and do a readslist or something actually useful instead of being fluffier than a sheep.

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Literally play the damn game that you signed up for. Weā€™re close to being halfway through the second day and none of you three, and to an extension gorta, have made any real contributions to the game.


Does not compute.
Anyway, I have an entire day tomorrow to participate, but right now itā€™s near eleven.

Compare the timestamps. Weā€™re close to halfway until EoD2 and none of you/Wazza/Eevee/Gorta have posted anything substantive after not really doing anything d1.

Thatā€™s literally a fourth of the gameā€™s slots effectively not playing the game at all.

Did you not see what I said?
I have all of tomorrow to talk.

So weā€™ve got a few slankers again this game?
Did no one learn anything from SFoL 63 for real?

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Were players like Magnus and Gorta more active at sometime in the past? And then just got busy and posted less later? Or were they always this way? It seems weird for them to keep joining games if they donā€™t have the time or motivation to play. Seems like it wouldnā€™t be any fun.

For Wazza, it just seems like a temporary thing

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d3? if so you really think you can just talk at d3 and be left alone.

Iā€™m actually starting to think we need a requirement of 10 posts that are actually helpful/progresses the game that would just be hell to moderate

I think Gorta has always been this way tbh. But I do remember Magnus having been more active.
No offence if I got either of you wrong fwiw but it is necessary for making deductions.

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I am fairly sure there is a requirement of 20

Just 20 posts mainly just meme shit then bye bye

They have to be game relevant posts so not just memes unless they somehow are useful, which, I doubt unless it is like a way of making association things or summing up conversation.


At this point weā€™re playing with dead weight and canā€™t do anything about it because they actually canā€™t be asked to make a effort

No ones saying you have to be super active but Iā€™d hope to at least have a idea about you instead of wanting to pressure you so you actually have to do something

How the hell have they not been booted yet