Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Yeah I don’t know both your scum and town meta. But for now you are not a main priority for me.

GTH your Null Town.

I haven’t read much of you to get a confident read on you. But I’ll treat you as Null Town for today.

When is EoD btw?

…I take that back. I don’t think Seth has a chance of being the convert anymore.

It switches how you look at his gameplay?

Or at least should, considering both BD and neutrals act differently, so you look at dofferent elements considering if he really is one.

Stops the “wagon for claim”, which clearly isn’t working and shuts down “risk free” lynch argument.

But yeah, mostly means no more waiting for claim and starting analysis from new foothold.

Would like an explanation of this.

I’m honestly reading him as a potential NE atm.

Like, his behavior has been completely antithetical to solving the match by just accusing random people for little to no rational reason such as the dumb TMI argument regarding Soul, but at the same time he doesn’t care about his own survival which is completely unlike what a wolf would do.

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Honestly could be a possible Sellsword or Fool (I’m pretty sure fool can alter their own flip…)

would it be a better idea to jail exe them? keep in mind that it may waste a important prince kill. We did have a BD killer die so I don’t know if we would have another one (other then our hunter claim but they used bleed on Insanity

Anyway, here is my read on everyone else:









(And boi, Rune, are you going to say that my read is forced and trash :eyes:)
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I’m weird for ton reading gorta here…

Not really. I kind of agree with much of them except swap the order of each tier around but I’d like to know the reasoning behind it.

I didn’t really have much time to write reasoning, but I could try to explain .-.

I’ll say more irt gorta on tonight’s chat.

If this is a joke, I’m not laughing at it.
Unless you consider OMGUSing someone harassment, I’m confused what you’re on about.

I think we can clear eevee and Gorta from poe today

I actually really like eevees slot right now

? Am I being allied with you or something

explain me plz

I assume that I’ll be with someone in allies chat tonight.

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pkr said he wanted to ally one person he sf’d

Eh, I hope he changes his mind.

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