Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Plans fell through, I’m back now. Also, PKR said he specifically wasn’t using allies tonight.

Has PKR said anything about Allies chat N2 yet?

It seems my question was already answered.

he said he’s either not using it or using it on the person he sf’d…


Okay, my reasoning on you is that you fluff a lot during d1, though you still provided reads in between them, and then you started to play regularly afterward.

Thus null.

And yes, I know your town meta is fluff here and there and then get serious later, but still, I really couldn’t base you off as town with that meta as who the hecc will know if you replicate that town meta as scum.

Ah, so it wasn’t as specific as I thought but he still said he’d rather not.

Gorta big cute OwO going to have to UwU him tonight with my uwu’s

/vote Soulshade55r

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@Soulshade55r what is the possessive form of “Whatever you want babe uwu”

Would you mind giving reasoning on this?

EWlv4x7U8AAv8CT copy

But anyway, what did you read Gorta as?

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/vote SirDerpsAlot

Sigh. Re-reading ISOs and both Magnus and Wazza have again blew the day off. We’re probably not going to see much of Magnus anymore because of timezones. I’d rather want the remaining investigative classes to be on them or Eevee.

It was a shitpost in response to his cringe-ass reply to me.

That was an abrupt vote change, though I’d still like reasoning for voting Soul.

Ah, it seems I spoke too soon.

You should know better.








Yet another updated readlist. I have a special read on gorta that I’m not planning to out soon, though he shouldn’t be the lynch today. I’m fairly certain of the top 5 being V. Mist is far more villagery than Frost so I’m basically putting him alongside Para and AT in my second tier. Magnus and Whysp has fallen as they’ve been feeling underwhelming today and sticking mostly in the sidelines, Magnus is less suspicious for me as unfortunately he does that as either alignment, Whysp is basically someone I’m having concerns rn.

Eevee is Eevee. I think I have an idea of what he’s trying to do rn. Wazza and SDA are basically both in my shitlist.

This is really interesting to see, thank you. I hadn’t considered that before, and while I won’t be employing this strategy I can easily see it being effective here.

I agree with you that Mist is also quite towny, but shouldn’t we consider the previous slot as well? Even though Frost isn’t playing anymore we should still read him as part of the slot.

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Frost was literally doing nothing but throwing a tantrum on why he was put in the PoE. It’s not really that AI as people on this site tend to do this as either alignment.